An RPU Agreement: What It is and Why You Need One

If you are running a business that involves handling sensitive customer data, then an RPU agreement is something you need to consider. An RPU, or a Restricted Processing Undertaking, is a legal document that outlines the obligations and responsibilities of a party receiving personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In essence, an RPU agreement is a contract that is entered into between two parties. The first party is usually a data controller, which is an organization that collects and processes personal data, and the second party is a data processor, which is an organization that processes data on behalf of the data controller. The RPU agreement sets out the terms under which the data processor can access and process the personal data, and places certain obligations on the data processor to ensure the security and privacy of the data.

The GDPR requires data controllers to have a written agreement with their data processors that sets out the purposes of the processing, the type of data being processed, how long it will be processed for, and the security measures that will be taken to protect the data. An RPU agreement is a way of fulfilling this requirement.

An RPU agreement typically includes the following key provisions:

– The scope of the agreement: This sets out the type of personal data that will be processed by the data processor and the purposes for which it will be used.

– Security measures: This outlines the measures that the data processor will take to ensure the security of the personal data.

– Confidentiality: This states that the data processor will keep the personal data confidential and not disclose it to any unauthorized third parties.

– Subcontracting: This sets out any restrictions on the data processor subcontracting the processing of personal data to other organizations.

– Liability: This outlines the liability of the data processor in the event of a data breach or other security incident.

It is important to note that an RPU agreement is not a one-size-fits-all document. Each agreement will need to be tailored to the specific circumstances of the data processing activity and the parties involved.

In conclusion, an RPU agreement is an important tool for businesses that process personal data. It is a legally binding contract that sets out the obligations and responsibilities of the data controller and data processor, and helps ensure that personal data is processed in a secure and privacy-compliant manner. If you handle customer data, it is worth taking the time to consider whether an RPU agreement is appropriate for your organization.