When entering into a contract, it is important to consider all aspects of the agreement before signing on the dotted line. One important aspect to consider is what exactly can be considered in the contract.

Typically, a contract can consider a variety of things, such as:

1. Obligations: This refers to the duties and responsibilities of each party listed in the contract. This can include things like deadlines, payment schedules, and performance requirements.

2. Termination: It is important to consider what circumstances might lead to the termination of the contract. This can include breach of contract, failure to meet obligations, or changes in circumstances that make the contract impossible or unreasonable.

3. Liability: Considerations should be made regarding who is responsible for any damages or losses that might occur as a result of the contract. This can include issues such as intellectual property infringement, product defects, or other unforeseen events.

4. Indemnification: Clause should be included to cover any losses, damages, or legal expenses that might arise from the contract. This can help protect both parties in the event of any unforeseen issues.

5. Confidentiality: If the contract deals with sensitive or confidential information, it is important to include confidentiality clauses that prohibit either party from disclosing that information to third parties.

6. Dispute resolution: It is important to consider how any disputes that arise from the contract will be resolved. This can be done through mediation, arbitration, or litigation, depending on the specific circumstances of the contract.

7. Governing law: Finally, consideration should be given to which jurisdiction’s laws will govern the contract. This can help provide clarity and ease any potential conflicts that may arise.

In conclusion, when entering into a contract, consideration should be given to all aspects of the agreement, including obligations, termination, liability, indemnification, confidentiality, dispute resolution, and governing law. By carefully considering these factors, both parties can ensure that the contract is fair, reasonable, and legally enforceable.